Tutorial III: Howtos

1) How to freeze a module during training?

To freeze a module during training, use the include and exclude arguments of module's .collect_params() and .collect_self_updates() functions.


class FOO(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.cnn0 = Conv2D(...)
        self.cnn1 = Conv2D(...)
        self.cnn2 = Conv2D(...)

# Now we will freeze cnn0 and cnn1 submodules during training
model    = Foo()
loss     = ...
params   = model.collect_params(exclude=['cnn0', 'cnn1'])
updates  = optimizer(loss, params)
updates.update(model.colect_self_updates(exclude=['cnn0', 'cnn1']))
train_fn = theano.function([...], [...], updates=updates, no_default_updates=False)

2) How to initialize a partially modified model with previouslly trained weights?

A frequently encountered scenario in research is that we want to re-use trained weights from a previous model to initialize a new model, usually partially modified. The most convenient way is to use Module's set_weights_by_name() method with the unmatched argument set to warn or ignore. To use this method, it's assumed that you didn't change the variable's name to be initialized; otherwise, you can use the name_map argument to input the corresponding weight->variable mapping, or the most primitive way, use tensor's get_value() and set_value() methods explicitly.


from dandelion.util import gpickle
old_model_file = ...
old_module_weights, old_userdata = gpickle.load(old_model_file)
new_model = ...
new_model.set_weights_by_name(old_module_weights, unmatched='warn')

3) How to add random noise to a tensor?

Just use Theano's MRG_RandomStreams module.


from theano.sandbox.rng_mrg import MRG_RandomStreams as RandomStreams
srng = RandomStreams(np.random.randint(1, 2147462579))
y = x + srng.normal(x.shape, avg=0.0, std=0.1)   # add Gaussian noise to x

What you'd keep in mind is that if you used Theano's MRG_RandomStreams module, remember to set no_default_updates=False when compiling functions.

4) How to do model-parallel training?

According to issue 6655, model-parallel multi-GPU support of Theano will never be finished, so it won't be possible to do model-parallel training with Theano, and of course, Dandelion.
For data-parallel training, refer to platoon for possible solution. We may implement our multi-GPU data-parallel training scheme later, stay tuned.