
CTC cost calculated in log scale. This CTC objective is written purely in Theano, so it runs on both Windows and Linux. Theano itself also has a wrapper for Baidu's warp-ctc library, which requires separate install and only runs on Linux.

ctc_cost_logscale(seq, sm, seq_mask=None, sm_mask=None, blank_symbol=None, align='pre')
  • seq: query sequence, shape of (L, B), float32-typed
  • sm: score matrix, shape of (T, C+1, B), float32-typed
  • seq_mask: mask for query sequence, shape of (L, B), float32-typed
  • sm_mask: mask for score matrix, shape of (T, B), float32-typed
  • blank_symbol: scalar, = C by default
  • align: string, {'pre'/'post'}, indicating how input samples are aligned in one batch
  • return: negative log likelihood averaged over a batch


Decode the network output scorematrix by best-path-decoding scheme.

ctc_best_path_decode(Y, Y_mask=None, blank_symbol=None)
  • Y: output of a network, with shape (B, T, C+1)
  • Y_mask: mask of Y, with shape (B, T)
  • return: result sequence of shape (T, B), and result sequence mask of shape (T, B)


Calculate the character error rate (CER) given ground truth targetseq and CTC decoding output resultseq

ctc_CER(resultseq, targetseq, resultseq_mask=None, targetseq_mask=None)
  • resultseq: CTC decoding output, with shape (T1, B)
  • targetseq: sequence ground truth, with shape (T2, B)
  • return: tuple of (CER, TE, TG), in which TE is the batch-wise total edit distance, TG is the batch-wise total ground truth sequence length, and CER equals to TE/TG


Computes the categorical cross-entropy between predictions and targets

categorical_crossentropy(predictions, targets, eps=1e-7, m=None, class_weight=None)
  • predictions: Theano 2D tensor, predictions in (0, 1), such as softmax output of a neural network, with data points in rows and class probabilities in columns.
  • targets: Theano 2D tensor or 1D tensor, either targets in [0, 1] (float32 type) matching the layout of predictions, or a vector of int giving the correct class index per data point. In the case of an integer vector argument, each element represents the position of the '1' in a one-hot encoding.
  • eps: epsilon added to predictions to prevent numerical unstability when using with softmax activation
  • m: possible max value of targets's element, required when targets is 1D tensor and class_weight is not None.
  • class_weight: tensor vector with shape (Nclass,), used for class weighting, optional.
  • return: Theano 1D tensor, an expression for the item-wise categorical cross-entropy.


Computes the categorical cross-entropy between predictions and targets, in log-domain.

categorical_crossentropy_log(log_predictions, targets, m=None, class_weight=None)
  • log_predictions: Theano 2D tensor, predictions in log of (0, 1), such as log_softmax output of a neural network, with data points in rows and class probabilities in columns.
  • targets: Theano 2D tensor or 1D tensor, either targets in [0, 1] (float32 type) matching the layout of predictions, or a vector of int giving the correct class index per data point. In the case of an integer vector argument, each element represents the position of the '1' in a one-hot encoding.
  • m: possible max value of targets's element, only used when targets is 1D vector. When targets is integer vector, the implementation of categorical_crossentropy_log is different from categorical_crossentropy: the latter relies on theano.tensor.nnet.categorical_crossentropy whereas the former uses a simpler way, we transform the integer vector targets into one-hot encoded matrix. That's why we need the m argument here. The possible limitation is that our implementation does not allow m changing on-the-fly.
  • class_weight: tensor vector with shape (Nclass,), used for class weighting, optional.
  • return: Theano 1D tensor, an expression for the item-wise categorical cross-entropy in log-domain

You're recommended to refer to Lasagne.objectives document for the following objectives:

  • binary_crossentropy
  • squared_error
  • binary_hinge_loss
  • multiclass_hinge_loss
  • binary_accuracy
  • categorical_accuracy