
Dropout function for any dimension input.

dropout(input, mask=None, p=0.5, shared_axes=(), rescale=True, fill_value=0.0, return_mask=False)
  • input: tensor to be applied.
  • mask: if given, input of p / shared_axes / rescale will be ignored, the input mask will be used directly.
  • p: float scalar or list of floats, probability to drop a value (replaced with fill_value). If p is a list, the actual probability will be calculated in an interval of p[i] and p[i+1] randomly. By passing a list to p, dropout will be executed with varying probability. For example by passing p = [0.1, 0.5] to the function, the dropout probability will be varying at least 0.1 and at most 0.5.
  • shared_axes: tuple of int, axes to share the dropout mask over. By default, each value is dropped individually. For example, shared_axes=(0,) means using the same mask across the batch. shared_axes=(2, 3) means using the same mask across the spatial dimensions of 2D feature maps, i.e., drop channels.
  • rescale: if True (default), the input tensor will be rescaled by 1-p to compensate mean fluctuation due to dropout
  • fill_value: in our implementation, the dropped values will be replaced with fill_value (default = 0, this is equivalent to the behavior of pytorch's builtin dropout())
  • return_mask: if True, dropout mask used inside will be also returned
  • return: input masked or (input masked, mask) if return_mask=True