
Pickle with gzip enabled.

.dump(data, filename, compresslevel=9)
  • data: data to be dumped to file
  • filename: file path
  • compresslevel: gzip compression level, default = 9.
  • filename: file to be loaded


Help catch theano memory exceptions during running theano function

theano_safe_run(fn, input_list)
  • fn: theano function to run
  • input_list: list of input arguments
  • return: errcode and funtion excution result

theano_safe_run() catches the following 4 memory exceptions (range from theano 0.x to 1.x):

  • MemoryError. errcode=1
  • CudaNdarray_ZEROS: allocation failed. errcode=2
  • gpudata_alloc: cuMemAlloc: CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: out of memory. errcode=3
  • cuMemAlloc: CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: out of memory. errcode=4